Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 30: Lisel Mueller

“What a language it is,
the laughter of women.”

—Lisel Mueller

Pulitzer Prize-winning poet born in Germany,
immigrated to America when 15 years old.


Eileen Williams said...

I so agree! And you and I have shared some great laughs, my friend!

Unknown said...

As they say, "Laughter is the best medicine," and how very true that is!

I'd also like to acknowledge and commend you on the Wednesday Weekly email. It's great to get a thought/quote, etc. delivered right to your inbox!

Diana Black said...

Thank you, Eileen! You're right, we have had some great laughs...and I have a feeling it's only the beginning! You make a huge difference in other women's lives and I'm just proud to know ye!

Crystal, I'm so glad you're enjoying the "postcard" each week. I know how much a positive reminder helps keep me on track, and how often mid-week I'm feeling a little short on supply. This is my small way of staying connected and bringing a little light into women's lives.
