Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kathy L. Patrick

“Reading is the key to educating yourself and helping you have an authentic and purposeful life.”

Kathy L. Patrick
Owner of Beauty & The Book, author,
founder of Pulpwood Queens & Timber Guys Book Clubs & Annual Girlfriend Weekend now in its 11th year


Unknown said...

This wonderful feature this Wednesday, the day before I embarck on the largest book club convention I have ever done was so appreciated. Freezing cold here and left convention center to run to last book club meeting before our big 11th Anniversary Girlfriend Weekend and dead battery! There are angels in this world as Jerry, the maintenance man not only tried to give us a jump, didn't work, but gave us a ride to book club. About a dozen women were huddled on my porch, muttering, "Where is she, man, it's cold!" When here I pulled up with Jerry. Lots of laughter my friend so if I learned anything from this, it was, pay attention to the kindness of strangers and the warmth of good friends! All is well here in historic Jefferson, Texas and your Wednesday message just reminded me how books can connect you with some pretty terrific people. You see life is about relationships, not stuff. Make each day a memory to last a lifetime EVEN when it's cold, you have a dead battery and without wheels. It's a wonderful life for me because I am a reader! Thanks for again for the BIG LOVE in the BIG WEDNESDAY SHARE!

Diana Black said...

Well, Kathy, this is one of the things I love about far as I can tell, you don't let life's little lemons make you the least bit sour! This weekend promises to be a hoot-and-a-half, and I can't wait. Anything to do with literacy is right up my alley, so I feel very blessed to be part of your event. Till tomorrow! Hugs.

Mary Cunningham said...

No siree! We won't let a little cold, snow and ice (okay, the ice is a bit of a problem) get us down!

Looking forward to the weekend, Kathy, especially meeting you and being part of Girl Friends Weekend!!